Friday, October 7, 2011

10 Leadership Tips October 2011

Firm Foundations for Fall

10 Spend time in God's Word regularly.

9 Survey students to determine needs in the coming year.

8 Begin meeting 1on1 with 2-3 students ( " ...make disciples...").

7 Get a profile on each student to find out more abt them. Also, give them to your volunteer team.

6 Develop teaching/ preaching plan for the year (try a 3-4 year plan if you're feeling adventurous).

5 Provide Sunday School/small group leaders a detailed educational plan.

4 Start a weekly (or at least monthly) newsletter to communicate the vision of your ministry and
impotant info abt upcoming events.

3 Develop schedule to visit students homes over the next year to meet parents/ guardians.

2 Plan a year of adult volunteers mtgs to pray, encourage, equip, resource, & plan. Also, hold evaluation mtgs with adult volunteers /evaluate each event.

1 Find a fresh way to encounter God this fall. Try a retreat, conference, vacation, etc....

Plan now for summer. It is never too early to lay the ground work for what can be your busiest and most impactful season of ministry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.