Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Long Time, No Blog (The Wimpification of the American Christian)

I was just wondering tonight why we, as believers in our country, are content to just sit in our pews or chairs or bean bags (wherever you sit on the church worship center food chain) and settle for totally missing the cross for a few laughs, a good video, or challenging lesson that we soon file away into some place in our history never to drawn on again. Or we just are content to show up and never engage or really not even pay attention or engage with the living body of Christ that has assembled with us.

We absolutely have no understanding of the cross and for what Christ did for us and what we have in all of that!

I can tell it happens because we have rendered the Gospel, this Great Salvation, useless, ineffective. You see, our lives often are no different, our lives do not reflect any part of the life that God has called us to. I am guilty, too. So many times I am a poor reflector of God's glory, of this life inside of me. Or maybe I just have painted over the life on the outside so it hides light on the inside. Whatever the picture, dangerous and tragic none-the-less.

We have stopped in the participation in our faith daily, privately to weekly, corporately. We have ceased living out this life God put in us through Christ.

Don't get me wrong...I think pews are fine, chairs are fine, bean bags are fine, I love a good video (I saw one tonight that was really good), and think challenging Truth from Biblical messages (That was good tonight as well) are vital. But seriously Church, let us scrape off the paint that hides the light, let's clean the mirror so the light can radiate, so Christ can reflect. Let us not wimp out and accept some cheap, empty religion or soon-gone experience we have traded for true life in Christ. Don't wimp out. The world needs more.

Philemon 6

1 comment:

Andrew PC Smith said...

I agree. Pastors like Rob Bell and Rick Warren and so many others need to preach about the Cross more. That's what saved us, not understanding all the ins & outs of theology.

Rom. 6
5If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. 6For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— 7because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.

That is the power of the gospel. Good post.